But since the release of New Horizons images showing a very prominent heart-shaped feature on the surface, the sad Pluto meme has given way to a very content, loving Pluto that would like to once again be visited by a spacecraft. As the textbooks were updated, the internet spawned memes with Pluto going through a range of emotions, from anger to loneliness. When Pluto was reclassified in 2006 from a planet to a dwarf planet, there was widespread outrage on behalf of the demoted planet. The New Horizons team worked for 15 years to plan and execute this flyby and Pluto paid us back in spades!” “We could not have explored a more fascinating or scientifically important planet at the edge of our solar system. “It’s clear to me that the solar system saved the best for last!” said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado. In the years since that groundbreaking flyby, nearly every conjecture about Pluto possibly being an inert ball of ice has been thrown out the window or flipped on its head. On July 14, 2015, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made its historic flight through the Pluto system – providing the first close-up images of Pluto and its moons and collecting other data that has transformed our understanding of these mysterious worlds on the solar system’s outer frontier. This fascinating world has blue skies, spinning moons, mountains as high as the Rockies, and it snows – but the snow is red. Pluto – which is smaller than Earth’s Moon – has a heart-shaped glacier that’s the size of Texas and Oklahoma. There may be millions of these icy objects, collectively referred to as Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) or trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), in this distant region of our solar system. High resolution prints may be available for sale.Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, a donut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. Further distribution and commercial use is strictly prohibited. If you republish them online, you must provide a link to this page and mention me as author.
Feel free to enjoy and use my maps for non-commercial purposes. I must especially thank Pete Fenlon, Thomas Morwinsky, Haerangil, and Eric Dubourg for their fascinating work that has give me much inspiration. They are made for own Lindëfirion roleplaying game, loosely based on Middle-earth Roleplaying Game (MERP). Most of them have been born thanks to MERP Fan-Modules group. Tolkien's work, but extended sub-creation.

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