On my birthday, dear Father in heaven, I pray that You will give me an abundance of peace and joy to last me for an eternity.Thank you, Father, for I know you have already answered my prayer. Dear Father in heaven, on my birthday, I pray that You bless me with a lifetime of joy and peace.Bless me with a life of happiness, good health and good fortune. Lord, please keep sadness away from my heart and worries from my mind. On my special day, dear God, please always keep me safe and happy in Your mighty and loving palm.Father, I pray that my life will always experience happiness and see success.I pray that You will continue to love and bless me for as long as I live. God, because You love me so much, I am a happy and prosperous man/woman today.Precious Father, please immerse me in the blood of Jesus Christ and send Your holy angels to wrap their mighty wings around me as I commemorate my birthday today so that I may be protected and blessed until the end of time.On the occasion of my birthday, dear God, I pray that you change my life positively.Sweet Jesus, it’s my prayer that your immeasurable love will shine in my life and guide my path for as long as I live on this earth.As I celebrate this exclusive day in my life, Lord I pray that you grant me happiness, success and good health.I pray for more of your presence in my world will last eternally. Lord, I am making merry today because it is a very important day that You have made possible for me.On this extraordinary day in my life, it is my prayer that the merciful Lord will shower me with His divine blessings and give me the gift of long life.

As I observe my birthday today, I pray that God will draw me nearer to Him and fill all my days with happiness and His amazing grace.Lord, please keep sadness away from my heart and worries from my mind.On this special day, I thank God for His remarkable blessings in my world and pray that He will continue to protect me from the eyes and plans of my enemies.I’m grateful for this priceless gift that You have freely bestowed upon me. God, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you for blessing me with another beautiful year. Today, I go down on my knees to thank you from the depths of my soul for blessing me so lavishly with Your choicest blessings! And it’s all possible because of Your incredible love and mercies, God. I pray that for as long as I live I will continue to do things that please you. Dear God, I thank you today for the precious gift of life that You have blessed me with.God, all I ask from you on my birthday is that you give me the ability and strength to love and serve you faithfully, come what may.Dear God, today, I pray that You give me the strength to forge ahead in life and fulfill the destiny that You have placed in front of me.Today, I pray that You continue to bless me with happiness. Father, since I accepted you as my personal savior, my life has become simply happy and wonderful.

I might not be a billionaire, but You have blessed me with life, good health, happiness and peace of mind. Lord Jesus, I can’t thank you enough for bringing me this far in life.